I was given this award from my dear friend Nora, and I think she put it very nicely....It's, I assume, for making lemonade outta the lemons that are handed to us in life & I love it!!
Here are "The Rules": 1. Put the logo on your blog. 2. Nominate blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! 3. Link to your nominees within your post. 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 5. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award. So, my picks would be -
Lisa, Dixie, Libmary, Kathe, Molly, Mechelle
I just love this little picture it will be a reminder to just make lemonade out of those lemons we face on a daily basis ! I hope you all have a great reat of the day !