I was give this award from my dear friend Kathe http://katzdesignz.blogspot.com/ thank you so much !
I have to name 7 things that I love....first and foremost the Lord Jesus Christ for whom without I am nothing.
My son's Phillip and Ricky who have always been there for me no matter what. My daughter-in-law Kim who is such a blessing. My grandchildren who bring so much joy and love to my life. The great friends I have who are just amazing ! Last but by no means least is my dog, she is just the best !
Now I get to pick 7 special ladies who I feel deserve this award.
Mechelle http://conradcreations.blogspot.com/
Shelly http://craftypinkpalace.blogspot.com/
Jenn http://justjenndesignz.blogspot.com/
Sandie http://bearpatchcrafts.blogspot.com/
Deb http://debsdoodlesnthings.blogspot.com
Laurie http://lauriefurnell.blogspot.com/
Andrea http://thepaperpurse.blogspot.com/
Please be sure to stop by and see these gals they have so much talent you will find so many cute little projects.